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Danish Pig Academy

ACO FUNKI - Modern Technologies for Pig Farming
We give you and your pigs a better life

ACO FUNKI A/S is one of the leading European suppliers of livestock equipment for pig housing. With 90 years of experience, we have a solid background and deep knowledge of the pig industry. We create the most effective solutions for pig stalls. We focus on animals' welfare which results in high production output. We deliver full-line solutions - worldwide.

We develop and produce products for new or existing farms, including penning equipment, intelligent feeding systems, flooring, water systems, and components. We focus on technologies aiming to reduce feed waste, minimize the impact on the environment, and at the same time, provide the best possible conditions for animals.

ACO FUNKI today is a stable company with representatives in several countries. Since 2004 ACO FUNKI has been a part of ACO GROUP - a leading drain system manufacturer with about 5.400 employees in more than 44 countries.

Kirkevænget 5
7400 Herning