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Danish Pig Academy

DanBred P/S - A leading international pig breeding company
Let our high-performing genetics improve your production

DanBred P/S is a leading international pig breeding company and aims to be the preferred supplier of genetic products and service solutions to commercial pig producers world-wide. DanBred P/S is owned by the Danish Agriculture and Food Council, Danish Agro and the former DanBred International A/S (now Holdingselskabet DBI A/S).

DanBred, (formerly DanAvl), was the first to introduce genomic selection in pig breeding in 2010. From the beginning and up until now, genomic selection has been carried out on a larger and larger portion of the breeding candidates. In late 2017, DanBred made the leap from 40 to 100 per cent genomic selection.

This will improve genetic progress as we can now select the best breeding animals with even greater certainty. Compared with companies who do not DNA test their breeding candidates, it is estimated that testing all breeding candidates will improve genetic progress by 30 per cent per year, to the benefit of DanBreds customers around the globe.

Your Business. Our DNA.

Lyskær 3EF
2730 Herlev